The first syllable of"Arsenio" has the onset of a voiced alveolar liquid dipthong with the rhyme of a low ,back vowel "AR". The second syllables has the onset of a voiceless alveolar fricative with the rhyme of a low , front vowel " SE". Next is the third syllable which has the onset of a voiced alveolar nasal with the rhyme of a high,front vowel "NI". The last syllable carries the onset of a voiceless glottal fricative with the rhyme of a mid ,back vowel.
open your mouth and form your lips as a pirate would pronounce the phrase "argh" leaving out the gh part. Then take the tip of your tongue and slightly raise it to your velar almost forming a smile while pronouncing the initial part of the word "said"not paying attention to the d. Then raise your tongue all the way up to your velar while saying " neeee oh" (ar sai nee oh) arsenio